19 December 2014

Blast From The Past: first makeup experiment

It´s december 2009, I am 18 years old and had free time on my hands to experiment first time with eyeliner. My face was 90% cheeks in previous years, so you couldn´t really see my eyes. That´s why I came to makeup so late in my life. It just didn´t suit me. Now I cannot go in public without it (because of the permanent dark circles under my eyes which you can partially see in the photo).

Due to recent hair doubt I have been enjoying looking at these old pictures. Waist long hair and fringe looked nice, I am thinking of bringing the fringe back. You can tell I was excited doing this experiment; the realization that eyeliner made my eyes BIG has changed my life forever.

I am also still very happy about this edited picture, which would become my first FB profile pic. One could never underestimate the editing program of a Sony Ericsson phone.

This is by far one of the first "darkest" images of myself at age 18. I am a late bloomer when it comes to looking alternative, and I am glad it has turned out that way.

N. Finsternis


  1. I don't have the guts to show pics of my 18 year old self, it's just too scary lol.

    1. you don´t have to. I always have trouble picking pics that are not too boring, since i simply looked mainstream

  2. My earliest goth pictures were lost forever when GeoCities was shut down. Probably a good thing. My crappy goth writing was on there too. Lol I too had super contrasty moody photos. I still like them... You can see the youthful enthusiasm there. You look awesome in your photo. I'm a fan of the bangs.

    1. I have a lot more at my parents´ place, need to ask them to send me some of these pictures, I sometimes like looking through them :)

  3. You're so cute ;-) seeing young photos shows how much you have grown

    1. hehe thank you! I always thought that I looked less my age when I was a teenager. I am happy I am not 18 anymore!

  4. You look good in those old photos! In many of your posts you complain about your boring natural hair colour, but in my opinion it's an awsome light brown. Look how shiny it is and how much it reflects light. I have the exact same colour and I love it. Many women have brown hair but very few have this exact shade. I have been dying them in the past of course, but they became too weak and I had to stop. For the last one year I don't dye them, because I'm afraid that they will be damaged again. Most hair dyes are full of chemicals.

    1. I do complain about my natural self a lot! Thank you so much for the encouragement, I´ve been having these thoughts lately, looking at how full and healthy my natural hair has been, which I cannot say about the bleaching. I am thinking of going back to Henna again, since my main dissatisfaction about my hair color was always the way it looked at the roots, which wasn´t enough saturated brown for me. My tips were always orange after being exposed to the sun, which I always liked :)
