1 July 2016

July Morning

Happy 1st of July (and my brother's birthday)!
Just the reason to share this amazing song:

Uriah Heep / July Morning

I don't care who you are or where you come from, nothing can deny the ingeniousness of July Morning. The keyboard solo in the end is to die for.

Uriah Heep were also very popular in Bulgaria, as they have an entire tradition called July Morning that was popular during the 60s - 80s. People travel to the Black Sea beach to greet the sunrise on the 1st of July. Wish I were there today!

Good vibes to everyone!



  1. I did not know about that tradition to greet the sun by the sea on the 1st of July, is there a myth or something behind it? :)

    1. sounds totally pagan right?
      There are some who claim that this is a morning of new beginning with some hippie principles involved etc but basically it really started with Uriah Heep's song, they were THAT popular in Bulgaria at the time!
